I have been avidly following Geoff Edwards' cruise blog -- he is on the Mariner right now with his wife Michael -- and I only hope that my little blog can bring even 1/5 of the smiles to a reader that his blog has brought to me. If I ever figure out how to put a link in here, I'll definitely link his blog. Although, first I'm going to have to figure out how to link my blog to the Luxury Cruise Travel website or else nobody is ever going to have a chance to read my blog at all! Except me, of course.
Once again I am going to try to attach a picture of the wonderful ship I am sailing on -- or on which I am sailing (if there ends up being any English teachers in my audience). And I am going to put it right HERE.
Okay, well I'm quite pleased to see that that worked out pretty well. And in case you are wondering, that is a picture of our bed. Or at least the bed that I anticipate we will be sleeping in. Why do I even have a picture of the bed? Good question -- I guess because in the first place it just looks so darn comfy and in the second place I love to sleep!
My packing list is almost complete and I have all the evening dresses I plan to bring hanging in my closet in plastic bags. Mike is going to be sporting his spiffy new black Chaps suit -- and I hate to say just how darn handsome he looks in it -- plus I made him spring for new dress shirts and ties. I hate to brag but I think we will cut a most dashing figure on the dance floor......hahahahahaha...... as if! I have already checked with Regent to make sure I am "allowed" to borrow the "spare" gentlemen dancers on board given the fact that I brought my own gentleman along with me (albeit one who DOESN'T dance) and they have assured me that it won't be a problem. The only real problem I can foresee is what the heck we (Mike and I) are supposed to do with all of our time together -- uninterrupted -- for 12 straight days. Yikes!
One last thing left and that is to attempt to post this so that it shows up in the same section as my first Mariner post and becomes "page 2"
Added later: now that I'm getting to be an "old pro" at this..... here is the link to Geoff's blog www.avidcruiser.com/geoff and if the thing where you just click on it doesn't work you'll have to do an old fashioned cut and paste into the browser. I didn't ask Geoff if he'd mind if I linked his blog but I think these things are kind of public domain anyway so he probably doesn't care.
i like your blog......
okay thank you!
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